Мої уроки

урок № 1   Тема: Пори року. Погода.
 Мета: 1. Вдосконалити навички монологічної, діалогічної мови учнів; вчити вести  бесіду, використовуючи вивчену лексику; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні, читанні текстів по темі
2.    Розширювати знання учнів про   погоду України .
3.    Сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції, культури мовної поведінки; розвитку пам’яті, уваги, логічного мислення; навичок самостійної роботи.
4.    Прищеплювати естетичний смак до природи: вчити учнів сприймати красу оточуючого середовища в різні пори року; прищеплювати пізнавальний інтерес до клімату, погоди країни вивчаємої мови.
Тип уроку: формування комунікативної компетенції, систематизація вивчених знань.
 Обладнання: картинки по темі “Пори року. Погода”;    записи діалогу “Talking About the Weather”, та пісні “What’s the Weather Like Today”.
1.    I. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовної мови.
2.    Повідомлення теми і завдання уроку.
3.    The topic of today’s lesson is “The Seasons The Weather”.
4.    When people meet or plan to do something they usually talk about the weather.
5.    At the lesson we’ll talk about the seasons, weather, review the words which we have learned, we’ll read the text about the weather  in England and Ukraine and listen to the dialogue     “ Talking About The Weather”
6.    Вступ в іншомовну атмосферу.
Організаційний момент. Мовна зарядка. Бесіда учнів один з одним про день тижня, дату, пору року, погоду, відсутніх учнів.
3.    Декламування учнями віршу  “ Weather”.
Let’s review the poem.                                                           
When the weather is wet
We must not fret
When the  weather is cold
We must not scold
When the weather is warm
We must not storm
But be joyful together
Whatever the weather
wet – мокрий, дощовий; tо fret – хвилюватися; tо scold – сваритися; tо storm – кричати, бушувати; joyful -  радісний; whatever – кожний.
1.    Основна частина уроку.
2.    What was your hometasк for today.
3.    Our hometasк was to make up stories about the favourite season, to learn the poems about spring, summer, autumn and winter, to read and translate the text about weather in Ukraine and Great Britain, to make up riddles about season.
4.    Фонетичне відпрацювання слів по темі. Відповіді на запитання   по малюнку “Пори року”.
5.    1. How many seasons are there in a year?
6.    What are they?
7.    What spring months do you know?
8.    What is the weather like in spring.
Is it  warm or cold in spring?
5.    What summer months are they?
Is it  hot or warm in summer.
6.    What autumn months are they?
Is it cool or hot in autumn.
7.    What winter months are they?
Is it  cold or hot in winter.
spring – весна
summer – літо
autumn - осінь
winter – зима
cold – холодний
hot – жаркий
cool – прохолодний
warm – теплий
snowy – сніжний
rainy – дощовий
frosty – морозний
foggy – туманний
sunny – сонячний
slippery – слизький
dull – похмурий, нудний
muddy – брудний
damp – сирий, вологий
wet – мокрий, дощовий
mild – м’який
weather -  погода
climate – клімат
season – сезон
2.    Декламування віршів про пори року.
This is the season when fruit is sweet
This is the season when schools friends meet
This is the season when mornings are dark
And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.
This is the season when children ski;
And Father Frost brings the bright
New Year tree
It is winter, it is cold, Father Frost is very old.
But he is always full of joy
and glad to give me a nice toy.
Spring – the season of delight
Apple blossoms – pink and white
Welcome spring with all your joys
For merry girls and merry boys
Woods are green, the sun is bright,
And the wind is warm and light
I can bathe and play, and run.
Summer holidays are fun.
3.    Активізація вивченого лексичного матеріалу по темі “Пори року”. Гра “Відгадай  яка це пора року.”

The sky is grey, the sun doesn’t shine brightly.
The days are shorter and the nights are longer
The leaves in the trees are yellow, red and brown,
and fall to the ground. (Autumn)

The snow is falling. The wind is blowing;
The ground is white
All day and all night (Winter)

The sun is shining
The flowers are blooming
The sky is blue
The rains are few (Spring)
The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly.
The leaves in the trees are green.
The gardens are full of flowers (Summer.)
4.    Монологічні висловлювання учнів по темі “Улюблена пора року
5.    Драматизація діалогу “Осінь”.
6.    Подання діалогу “ Talking About the Weather” для аудіювання.
1) Pre-Listening Activity. Етап підготовки до аудіювання.
T:Answer the questions.
Where do you usually spend your holidays?
Where would you like to spend your holidays?
What do you think about the weather in the place you would like to visit?
Учні по черзі відповідають на запитання.
2)     While-Listening Activity. Етап слухання діалогу.
  Роздаю учням картки із завданням .
T: Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the proper words.
Tim: Hi, Маx. This is  Bob. I’m calling from Spain.
Alex: What are you doing there?
T: I am spending my holidays together with my parents.
A: Great. You are lucky. How is the weather? Is it warm?
T: Oh, yes. It is sometimes very hot.
A: What about the water? It is warm? Do you swim?
T: Yes. I do. The water is great.
A: Are you having a good time?
T: Yes. I am. The water is wonderful.
A: I’m glad to hear that.
Fill in the blanks with proper words
Tim: Hi,  Max. This is  Bob. I’m calling from ___(1).
Alex: What are you doing there?
T: I am spending my holidays together with my ___(2).
A: Great. You are lucky. How is the weather? Is it ___(3)?
T: Oh, yes. It is sometimes _____(4).
A: What about ____(5)? It is warm? Do you swim?
T: Yes. I do. The ____(6) is great.
A: Are you having a good time?
T: Yes. I am. The water is _____(7).
A: I’m _____(8) to hear that.

Key: 1)  Spain; 2) parents; 3) warm; 4) very hot; 5) the water; 6) water; 7) wonderful; 8) glad.
  Читаю діалог двічі. Під час першого читання учні слухають і заповнюють пропуски в реченнях   , під час другого – перевіряють завдання.   Викликаю двох учнів читати у парі діалог і разом з іншими учнями контролю  правильність виконання завдання.
Pre-Listening Activity. Контроль розуміння тексту. а)Учні по черзі усно відповідають на запитання  за змістом прослуханого тексту.    T: Answer the questions.                               
Who is calling?
Where is he now?
What is he doing in Spain?
How is the weather?
Is he having good time?
б) Складання діалогів за зразком.
T: Imagine that you are spending your holiday somewhere abroad. Call your friend and talk about the weather.
Учні поділяються на пари і самостійно складають власні діалоги за зразком діалогу на картках.
9.    Читання і переклад тексту “ The Weather in England and Ukraine”   Гра. Зустріч українських школярів з англійськими. Їх розмова про погоду, клімат в Україні, Великобританії.
10.                       Виконання пісні “What is Weather Like Today”
III. Заключна частина уроку.
1.    Пояснення домашнього завдання.
To write down the composition “The Climate and Weather in Ukraine and Great Britain”
2.      Підведення підсумків уроку.
3.    Pupils, today we have talked about the seasons and weather in Ukraine and Great Britain. We have read the text and listened to it about the seasons and weather.
You know the weather may be good or bad in spring, summer, autumn or winter. But every season has beautiful days and we have to understand the beauty of our nature and don’t forget to take care of it 

урок № 2  

 Тема: Seasons and weather

 Мета: Практична: практикувати активний словник теми, ввести нові лексичні одиниці, вчити їх правильно артикулювати, розвивати вміння учнів логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки іноземною мовою.
Освітня; тренувати навички роботи з текстом, поглибити знання учнів про погоду, розвивати самостійне мислення, ініціативність, бажання до пізнання нового.
Розвиваюча: розвивати автентичний слух, пам 'ять, увагу, логічне мислення, уяву, творчість, навички вимови, читання, розвивати зв 'язне діалогічне і монологічне мовлення.
Виховна; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: картки iз завданнями, картинки із зображенням погоди, відеозапис пісні про погоду, відеозапис зарядки, мультфільма, робочі зошити.
Хід уроку.
Т- Good morning, dear friends! I'm glad to see you. Welcome to English lesson! How are you today? 
P- Fine, thanks.
T- I'm fine too. If you are ready, let's begin our lesson. At our lesson we'll repeat English words and word-combinations sing a song watch a cartoon do some exercises  
I. Warming-up
T: Let's sing a song about the weather.(“What's the weather”)
II. Основна частина
T: Discuss with your partner (
завдання: скласти діалог за малюнком)
P1: What is the weather like?
P2: It's...
P1: What kind of weather do you like?

Учні в парах дописують назву пори року.
Т: Read and write which season each of the following sentences describe.
Завдання на листках )
1. It's usually cold and snowy in...
2. It's getting warmer in...
3. The leaves are yellow, red and brown in...
4. It's very hot and sunny in...
5. This season the wind is getting colder and it's often rainy...
6. The days are long and rhe nighta are short in...
T: What is your favourite season? Can you tell us about it?
( Учні описують улюблену пору року за малюнками, які приготували дома

Учні роблять зарядку під відео.
4.                GRAMMAR
Т: Children, look at the blackboard.
Let's speak about the weather using these constructions.
It is ... today. 
It will be ... tomorrow.
Діти описують погоду за допомогою малюнків.
I play volleyball 
She is sunbathe 
He am going to make a snowman 
You are fly a kite 
We stay at home 
They go for a walk 

5. LISTENING (Ann and the Magic Carpet)
Т: Аnn has found a magic carpet in her uncle's shop.
- Where will the carpet take her?
- What will she see?
- Who will she meet? Listening:
T: Listen and fill in the table.
таблицю на листочках отримує кожен учень ).
Т: Let's check your answers and tell me what animals did Ann meet?
Ill Summary
T: Did you like our lesson? 
Was it interesting for you?

5-th FORM
Topic “Food”
Teaching Objectives:
Practical Objectives: to revise vocabulary and to reinforce listening, reading and speaking skills.
Educational Objectives: to be able to use there is some…/ there are some…
Developing Objectives: to develop students’ creative thinking and communicative skills, their memory.
Socio-cultural Objectives: to help them understand the importance of healthy food.
Type of lesson: the developing speaking skills.
Aids: a tape-recorder, cards with vocabulary exercises, copies of the songs and poems, pictures ‘Food’, patens on the topic. 
1. ‘Good morning’ song

-Good morning, children! Nice to see you! I am your new English teacher.
My name is Svitlana Valeriivna.
Let’s start our lesson. Today we are going to speak about food. By the end of our lesson you will be able to talk about different kinds of food and drinks, to ask and answer the questions, using ‘there is/there are’, to understand short conversations, to read and understand the texts, to make up dialogues.

Look at the blackboard! There is a sentence here but all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read the sentence.

So this is the motto of our lesson

Look at the blackboard. This is the ‘food pyramid’

It consists of 3 parts: Fruit and Vegetables, Food, Drinks.
a)Arrange the pictures according to the parts
Work  in group:
#1 will choose Fruit and Vegetables;
#2 will choose Food;
#3 will choose Drinks.
Look at the blackboard and tell me what of these foods is healthy and what is unhealthy.
b) Make up sentences with there words

c) Game ‘There is some…/ there are some…’’

Vicky is going to the birthday party. She wants to present nick with an apple pie.
Listen to the dialogue and name the ingredients


Imagine that your friend has come to your place after school.
Let us read the dialogue and try to understand it. Read the dialogue and be ready to act it out with your partner.
A Dialogue
1 – Hello, …! I am hungry.
2 – How about a banana?
1 – No, thanks. Can I have some cheese, please?
2 – Sure. Would you like some tea too?
1 – Yes, please.
-Change the underlined words and make up your own dialogues.

We have 3 meals a day breakfast, dinner and supper. As for me, I have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
-When do you have breakfast?
Describe your breakfast using the patterns.
-And what about you?
-Children, do you remember any poems about food?
-Do you  have a garden near your house?
-What do people grow in the garden?
(a basket of fruit)
·        Read the text.
·        Find the English equivalents.
·        Read the text and mark true (T) or false (F).
·        Then try to circle the correct variants.
 Dear Helen,
I live in Ukraine. I live in a village with my parents. My father is a farmer. He has got a farm. Our house has got a beautiful garden. There are many flowers and apple trees in it. I like all fruit —  oranges, bananas — but apples are my favourite. Apples are very healthy. We eat apples from  morning to night. I like having a glass of apple juice for breakfast. When I go to school I always take an apple with me, I sometimes take apples for my friends too. Cooking is my hobby. I like making fruit salad. I take three apples, two oranges one banana and some cream. Remember — an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Best wishes, Jane
1. True or false
1.Jane lives in a village with her grandparents. F
2.Jane's house has got a beautiful garden, T
3.Bananas are her favourite. F
4.She eats apples from morning to night. T
5.She likes having a glass of orange juice for  breakfast. F    
6.Apples are very healthy. T
7.Her friend likes making fruit salad. F
8.An apple a day keeps the doctor away! T    
2. Choose the correct answer:
1.Jane lives in...
a) Greece;         
b) England;
c) Ukraine.
2.In the garden there are many...
a) flowers and apple trees;
b) oranges;
c) bananas.
3.Jane likes...
a) all vegetables;
b) all fruit;         '
c) cereals.
4.Jane's favourite fruits are...
a) bananas;
b) oranges;
c) apples.
5.Her hobby is...        
a) cooking;        
b) painting;
c) reading books.
6.She likes...  
a) having a glass of apple juice for breakfast;
b) having a glass of orange juice for breakfast;
c) having a glass of tomato juice for breakfast.
7.She likes...  
a) making vegetable salad;
b) making fruit salad;
c) making cakes.
8.She takes...
a) apples, oranges, bananas and some cream;  
b) tomatoes and potatoes;
c)cucumbers and onions.         


·        Our lesson is coming to the end.
·        You were very active and worked very well.
·        We have revise our vocabulary, made up dialogues, sang songs, read texts.
·        Did you enjoy our lesson?
·        I wish you success in your English.
·        Your marks are…

·        I think you will eat healthy food, because it is necessary for our health and we need healthy people.

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